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Lab: Generate Trips Data using Stored Procedure

  • Step 1 - Connect to the database
psql --port=5432 --username=postgres --dbname=sparsh
  • Step 2 - Run the following commands to create a schema and table for the fictional trip dataset:
create schema delta_emr_source;
create table delta_emr_source.travel_details (trip_id int PRIMARY KEY,tstamp timestamp, route_id varchar(2),destination varchar(50),source_location varchar(50));
  • Step 3 - Create the following stored procedure to generate the records for the trip dataset and insert the records into the table:
create or replace procedure delta_emr_source.insert_records(records int)
language plpgsql
as $$
max_trip_id integer;
--get max trip_id
select coalesce(max(trip_id),1) into max_trip_id from delta_emr_source.travel_details;

--insert records
for i in max_trip_id+1..max_trip_id+records loop
INSERT INTO delta_emr_source.travel_details (trip_id, tstamp, route_id,destination,source_location) values (i, current_timestamp, chr(65 + (i % 10)),(array['Seattle', 'New York', 'New Jersey', 'Los Angeles', 'Las Vegas',
'Tucson', 'Washington DC', 'Philadelphia', 'Miami', 'San Francisco'])[(floor(random() * 10))+1],(array['Seattle', 'New York', 'New Jersey', 'Los Angeles', 'Las Vegas',
'Tucson', 'Washington DC', 'Philadelphia', 'Miami', 'San Francisco'])[(floor(random() * 10))+1]);
end loop;


raise notice 'Inserted record count - %', records;
end; $$;
  • Step 4 - Call the preceding stored procedure to insert 20,000 records into the Aurora PostgreSQL database:
call delta_emr_source.insert_records(20000);
  • Step 5 - After the stored procedure is complete, verify that the records have been inserted successfully:
select count(*) from delta_emr_source.travel_details;