Lab: ETL with bash script
In this lab, you will use bash shell commands to extract, transform and load data
After completing this lab you will be able to:
- Extract data from a delimited file.
- Transform text data.
- Load data into a database using shell commands.
Copy the data in the file web-server-access-log.txt.gz
to the table 'access_log' in the PostgreSQL database 'postgres'.
The following are the columns and their data types in the file:
- TIMESTAMPlatitude
- floatlongitude
- floatvisitorid
- char(37)
and two more columns: accessed_from_mobile
(boolean) and browser_code
The columns which we need to copy to the table are the first four coumns.
NOTE: The file comes with a header. So use the 'HEADER' option in the 'COPY' command.