db2 BookShop and PetSale Data Ingestion and Stored Procedure
Insert data in IBM db2
Insert PetSale data into IBM db2
Same as above, but use ./PETSALE-CREATE-v2.sql
Create Stored Procedure
- You will create a stored procedure routine named RETRIEVE_ALL.
- This RETRIEVE_ALL routine will contain an SQL query to retrieve all the records from the PETSALE table, so you don't need to write the same query over and over again. You just call the stored procedure routine to execute the query everytime.
- To create the stored procedure routine, copy the code below and paste it to the textbox of the Run SQL page. Click Run all.
CREATE PROCEDURE RETRIEVE_ALL -- Name of this stored procedure routine
LANGUAGE SQL -- Language used in this routine
READS SQL DATA -- This routine will only read data from the table
DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1 -- Maximum possible number of result-sets to be returned to the caller query
DECLARE C1 CURSOR -- CURSOR C1 will handle the result-set by retrieving records row by row from the table
WITH RETURN FOR -- This routine will return retrieved records as a result-set to the caller query
SELECT * FROM PETSALE; -- Query to retrieve all the records from the table
OPEN C1; -- Keeping the CURSOR C1 open so that result-set can be returned to the caller query
@ -- Routine termination character
To call the RETRIEVE_ALL routine, copy the code below in a new blank script and paste it to the textbox of the Run SQL page. Click Run all. You will have all the records retrieved from the PETSALE table.
CALL RETRIEVE_ALL; -- Caller query
If you wish to drop the stored procedure routine RETRIEVE_ALL, copy the code below and paste it to the textbox of the Run SQL page. Click Run all.