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GCP Dataflow Streaming Pipeline


Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Using Dataflow for Streaming Analytics (Python)

In this lab, you take many of the concepts introduced in a batch context and apply them in a streaming context to create a pipeline similar to batch_minute_traffic_pipeline, but which operates in real time. The finished pipeline will first read JSON messages from Pub/Sub and parse those messages before branching. One branch writes some raw data to BigQuery and takes note of event and processing time. The other branch windows and aggregates the data and then writes the results to BigQuery.


  • Read data from a streaming source.
  • Write data to a streaming sink.
  • Window data in a streaming context.
  • Experimentally verify the effects of lag.

You will build the following pipeline:


Jupyter notebook-based development environment setup

  • In the Console, expand the Navigation menu (Navigation menu icon), then select Vertex AI > Workbench.
  • Enable Notebooks API.
  • At the top of the page click New Notebook, and select Smart Analytics Framework > Apache Beam > Without GPUs
  • In the dialog box that appears, set the region to us-central1 and then click CREATE at the bottom.
  • Once the environment is ready, click the OPEN JUPYTERLAB link next to your Notebook name. This will open up your environment in a new tab in your browser.
  • Next, click Terminal. This will open up a terminal where you can run all the commands in this lab.

Download Code Repository

Next you will download a code repository for use in this lab.

  • In the terminal you just opened, enter the following:
git clone
cd /home/jupyter/training-data-analyst/quests/dataflow_python/
  • On the left panel of your notebook environment, in the file browser, you will notice the training-data-analyst repo added.

  • Navigate into the cloned repo /training-data-analyst/quests/dataflow_python/. You will see a folder for each lab, which is further divided into a lab sub-folder with code to be completed by you, and a solution sub-folder with a fully workable example to reference if you get stuck.

Note: To open a file for editing purposes, simply navigate to the file and click on it. This will open the file, where you can add or modify code.

Open the appropriate lab

In your terminal, run the following commands to change to the directory you will use for this lab:

# Change directory into the lab
cd 5_Streaming_Analytics/lab
export BASE_DIR=$(pwd)

Before you can begin editing the actual pipeline code, you need to ensure that you have installed the necessary dependencies. Execute the following to create a virtual environment for your work in this lab:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv
python3 -m venv df-env
source df-env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -q --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install apache-beam[gcp]
gcloud services enable

# Finally, grant the dataflow.worker role to the Compute Engine default service account:
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$PROJECT_ID" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
export serviceAccount=""$PROJECT_NUMBER""

# Create GCS buckets and BQ dataset
cd $BASE_DIR/../..
# Generate event dataflow
# Change to the directory containing the practice version of the code

Task 1. Reading from a streaming source

In the previous labs, you used to read from Google Cloud Storage. In this lab, instead of Google Cloud Storage, you use Pub/Sub. Pub/Sub is a fully managed real-time messaging service that allows publishers to send messages to a "topic," to which subscribers can subscribe via a "subscription."

The pipeline you create subscribes to a topic called my_topic that you just created via script. In a production situation, this topic will often be created by the publishing team. You can view it in the Pub/Sub portion of the console.

In the file explorer, navigate to training-data-analyst/quest/dataflow_python/5_Streaming_Analytics/lab/ and open the file.

To read from Pub/Sub using Apache Beam's IO connectors, add a transform to the pipeline which uses the class. This class has attributes for specifying the source topic as well as the timestamp_attribute. By default, this attribute is set to the message publishing time.

Note: Publication time is the time when the Pub/Sub service first receives the message. In systems where there may be a delay between the actual event time and publish time (i.e., late data) and you would like to take this into account, the client code publishing the message needs to set a 'timestamp' metadata attribute on the message and provide the actual event timestamp, since Pub/Sub will not natively know how to extract the event timestamp embedded in the payload. You can see the client code generating the messages you'll use here.

To complete this task:

  • Add a transform that reads from the Pub/Sub topic specified by the input_topic command-line parameter.
  • Then, use the provided function, parse_json with beam.Map to convert each JSON string into a CommonLog instance.
  • Collect the results from this transform into a PCollection of CommonLog instances using with_output_types().

In the first #TODO, add the following code:

Task 2. Window the data

In the previous non-SQL lab, you implemented fixed-time windowing in order to group events by event time into mutually-exclusive windows of fixed size. Do the same thing here with the streaming inputs. Feel free to reference the previous lab's code or the solution if you get stuck.

Window into one-minute windows

To complete this task:

  1. Add a transform to your pipeline that accepts the PCollection of CommonLog data and windows elements into windows of window_duration seconds long, with window_duration as another command-line parameter.
  2. Use the following code to add a transform to your pipeline that windows elements into one-minute windows:
"WindowByMinute" >> beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(60))

Task 3. Aggregate the data

In the previous lab, you used the CountCombineFn() combiner to count the number of events per window. Do the same here.

Count events per window

To complete this task:

  1. Pass the windowed PCollection as input to a transform that counts the number of events per window.
  2. After this, use the provided DoFnGetTimestampFn, with beam.ParDo to include the window start timestamp.
  3. Use the following code to add a transform to your pipeline that counts the number of events per window:
"CountPerMinute" >> beam.CombineGlobally(CountCombineFn()).without_defaults()

Task 4. Write to BigQuery

This pipeline writes to BigQuery in two separate branches. The first branch writes the aggregated data to BigQuery. The second branch, which has already been authored for you, writes out some metadata regarding each raw event, including the event timestamp and the actual processing timestamp. Both write directly to BigQuery via streaming inserts.

Write aggregated data to BigQuery

Writing to BigQuery has been covered extensively in previous labs, so the basic mechanics will not be covered in depth here.

To complete this task:

  • Create a new command-line parameter called agg_table_name for the table intended to house aggregated data.
  • Add a transfrom as before that writes to BigQuery.

Note: When in a streaming context, does not support write_disposition of WRITE_TRUNCATE in which the table is dropped and recreated. In this example, use WRITE_APPEND.

BigQuery insertion method will default to either streaming inserts for unbounded PCollections or batch file load jobs for bounded PCollections. Streaming inserts can be particularly useful when you want data to show up in aggregations immediately, but does incur extra charges. In streaming use cases where you are OK with periodic batch uploads on the order of every couple minutes, you can specify this behavior via the method keyword argument, and also set the frequency with the triggering_frequency keyword argument. Learn more from the Write data to BigQuery section of the module documentation.

Use the following code to add a transform to your pipeline that writes aggregated data to the BigQuery table.

'WriteAggToBQ' >>

Task 5. Run your pipeline

Return to the terminal and execute the following code to run your pipeline:

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export REGION='us-central1'
export BUCKET=gs://${PROJECT_ID}
export RUNNER=DataflowRunner
export PUBSUB_TOPIC=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/my_topic
export AGGREGATE_TABLE_NAME=${PROJECT_ID}:logs.windowed_traffic
export RAW_TABLE_NAME=${PROJECT_ID}:logs.raw

Note: If you get a Dataflow pipeline failed error saying that it is unable to open the file, run the pipeline again and it should run with no issues.

Ensure in the Dataflow UI that it executes successfully without errors. Note that there is no data yet being created and ingested by the pipeline, so it will be running but not processing anything. You will introduce data in the next step.

Task 6. Generate lag-less streaming input

Because this is a streaming pipeline, it subscribes to the streaming source and will await input; there is none currently. In this section, you generate data with no lag. Actual data will almost invariably contain lag. However, it is instructive to understand lag-less streaming inputs.

The code for this quest includes a script for publishing JSON events using Pub/Sub.

To complete this task and start publishing messages, open a new terminal side-by-side with your current one and run the following script. It will keep publishing messages until you kill the script. Make sure you are in the training-data-analyst/quests/dataflow_python folder.


Examine the results

Wait a couple minutes for the data to start to populate. Then navigate to BigQuery and query the logs.minute_traffic table with the following query:

SELECT timestamp, page_views
FROM `logs.windowed_traffic`
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

You should see that the number of pageviews hovered around 100 views a minute.

Alternatively, you can use the BigQuery command-line tool as a quick way to confirm results are being written:

bq head logs.raw
bq head logs.windowed_traffic

Now, enter the following query:

UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP(event_timestamp)) - min_millis.min_event_millis AS event_millis,
UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP(processing_timestamp)) - min_millis.min_event_millis AS processing_millis,
-- added as unique label so we see all the points
CAST(UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP(event_timestamp)) - min_millis.min_event_millis AS STRING) AS label
MIN(UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP(event_timestamp))) AS min_event_millis
`logs.raw`) min_millis
event_timestamp IS NOT NULL
event_millis ASC

This query illustrates the gap between event time and processing time. However, it can be hard to see the big picture by looking at just the raw tabular data. We will use Data Studio, a lightweight data visualization and BI engine.

To enable Data Studio:

  • Visit
  • Click Create in the upper left.
  • Click Report.
  • Click through the Terms of Service and then click Done.
  • Return to the BigQuery UI.
  • In the BigQuery UI, click on the Explore data button and choose Explore With Data Studio.
  • This will open a new window.
  • In the panel on the right-hand side of this window, select the scatter chart type.

In the Data column of the panel on the right hand side, set the following values:

  • Dimension: label
  • Hierarchy: disabled
  • Metric X: event_millis
  • Metric Y: processing_millis

The chart will transform to be a scatterplot, where all points are on the diagonal. This is because in the streaming data currently being generated, events are processed immediately after they were generated --- there was no lag. If you started the data generation script quickly, i.e. before the Dataflow job was fully up and running, you may see a hockey stick, as there were messages queuing in Pub/Sub that were all processed more or less at once.

But in the real world, lag is something that pipelines need to cope with.

Task 7. Introduce lag to streaming input

The streaming event script is capable of generating events with simulated lag.

This represents scenarios where there is a time delay between when the events are generated and published to Pub/Sub, for example when a mobile client goes into offline mode if a user has no service, but events are collected on the device and all published at once when the device is back online.

Generate streaming input with lag

  1. First, close the Data Studio window.
  2. Then, to turn on lag, return to the terminal and stop the running script using CTRL+C.
  3. Then, run the following:
bash true

Examine the results

Return to the BigQuery UI, rerun the query, and then recreate the Data Studio view as before. The new data that arrive, which should appear on the right side of the chart, should no longer be perfect; instead, some will appear above the diagonal, indicating that they were processed after the events transpired.

Chart Type: Scatter

  • Dimension: label
  • Hierarchy: disabled
  • Metric X: event_millis
  • Metric Y: processing_millis