Lab: GCP Dataflow Pipeline - A Simple Dataflow Pipeline (Python)
In this lab, you will open a Dataflow project, use pipeline filtering, and execute the pipeline locally and on the cloud.
- Open Dataflow project
- Pipeline filtering
- Execute the pipeline locally and on the cloud
In this lab, you learn how to write a simple Dataflow pipeline and run it both locally and on the cloud.
- Setup a Python Dataflow project using Apache Beam
- Write a simple pipeline in Python
- Execute the query on the local machine
- Execute the query on the cloud
Task 1. Ensure that the Dataflow API is successfully enabled
- Execute the following block of code in the Cloud Shell:
gcloud services disable --force
gcloud services enable
Task 2. Preparation
Open the SSH terminal and connect to the training VM
You will be running all code from a curated training VM.
- In the console, on the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.
- Locate the line with the instance called training-vm.
- On the far right, under Connect, click on SSH to open a terminal window.
- In this lab, you will enter CLI commands on the training-vm.
Download code repository
- Download a code repository to use in this lab. In the training-vm SSH terminal enter the following:
git clone
Create a Cloud Storage bucket
Follow these instructions to create a bucket.
- In the console, on the Navigation menu, click Home.
- Select and copy the Project ID.
- In the console, on the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Browser.
- Click Create Bucket.
- Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:
| Property | Value (type value or select option as specified) |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| Name |
<your unique bucket name (Project ID)>
| | Location type |Multi-Region
| | Location |<Your location>
| - Click Create.
- Record the name of your bucket to use in subsequent tasks.
- In the training-vm SSH terminal enter the following to create an environment variable named "BUCKET" and verify that it exists with the echo command:
BUCKET="<your unique bucket name (Project ID)>"
echo $BUCKET
Task 3. Pipeline filtering
The goal of this lab is to become familiar with the structure of a Dataflow project and learn how to execute a Dataflow pipeline.
- Return to the training-vm SSH terminal and navigate to the directory
and view the
. - View the file with Nano. Do not make any changes to the code:
cd ~/training-data-analyst/courses/data_analysis/lab2/python
nano - Press CTRL+X to exit Nano.
Can you answer these questions about the file
- What files are being read?
- What is the search term?
- Where does the output go?
There are three transforms in the pipeline:
- What does the transform do?
- What does the second transform do?
- Where does its input come from?
- What does it do with this input?
- What does it write to its output?
- Where does the output go?
- What does the third transform do?
Task 4. Execute the pipeline locally
- In the training-vm SSH terminal, locally execute
- The output file will be
. If the output is large enough, it will be sharded into separate parts with names like:output-00000-of-00001
. - Locate the correct file by examining the file's time:
ls -al /tmp
- Examine the output file(s).
- You can replace "-*" below with the appropriate suffix:
cat /tmp/output-*
Does the output seem logical?
Task 5. Execute the pipeline on the cloud
- Copy some Java files to the cloud. In the training-vm SSH terminal, enter the following command:
gsutil cp ../javahelp/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/training/dataanalyst/javahelp/*.java gs://$BUCKET/javahelp
- Using Nano, edit the Dataflow pipeline in
- Replace PROJECT and BUCKET with your Project ID and Bucket name.
- Save the file and close Nano by pressing the CTRL+X key, then type Y, and press Enter.
- Submit the Dataflow job to the cloud:
- Note: Ignore the message: WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter. Your Dataflow job will start successfully.
Because this is such a small job, running on the cloud will take significantly longer than running it locally (on the order of 7-10 minutes).
- Return to the browser tab for the console.
- On the Navigation menu, click Dataflow and click on your job to monitor progress.
- Wait for the Job status to be Succeeded.
- Examine the output in the Cloud Storage bucket.
- On the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Browser and click on your bucket.
- Click the
directory. This job generates the fileoutput.txt
. If the file is large enough, it will be sharded into multiple parts with names like:output-0000x-of-000y
. You can identify the most recent file by name or by the Last modified field. - Click on the file to view it.
Alternatively, you can download the file via the training-vm SSH terminal and view it:
gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET/javahelp/output* .
cat output*