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Lab: Databricks Deltalake

Objective: Creation of an elementary Data Lakehouse using Databricks and the Delta lake technology

This lab is the creation of an elementary Data Lakehouse - using Databricks and the Delta lake technology - for a database containing sales data of a fictitious company called β€œNorthwind Traders”, which imports and exports specialty foods around the world.

With the Data Lakehouse created, a business analysis is conducted to answer the following questions:

  • What are the 5 least sold products?
  • What are the top 5 Customers with the highest number of purchases?
  • What are the top 5 Customers with the highest purchases value?
  • Who was the employee who made more sales last year?

Northwind Database:




Bronze layer:

  • Python.

Silver layer:

  • Data types wrangling (SQL).
  • Null values wrangling (SQL).

Gold layer and Analysis:

  • PySpark.
  • Koalas.
  • Spark Pandas.
  • Spark/Hive SQL.

πŸ—„ Reproducibility​

To reproduce the project, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your community version of Databricks.
  2. Import the notebook into your workspace
  3. Import the .csv files from /data folder into your Databricks DBFS.
  4. Start a Cluster following the requirements.txt file guidance.
  5. Customize the DBFS root path of 01-sa-main.ipynb in the utilities section according to your specifics.
  6. Run all cells in their sequence.




πŸ“š Learnings​

  • The project uses the community version of Databricks, which imposes restrictions, such as the use of Delta Live Streams, Cloud Partners Integration, Github Integration and Job Scheduling - the usage of this tools would enrich the project by a lot.
  • Only structured data was used in the project, but the workspace and project structure - a Data Lakehouse - remains scalable for using semi-structured and unstructured data - just requires the use-case wrangling.

πŸ›£ Roadmap​

  • Transform the Database schema to a Star Schema in the Gold layer.
  • Add semi-structured and unstructured data into the Data Lakehouse.