- What is Data Normalization?
- What is Data Denormalization?
- What are the Pros and Cons of Data Normalization?
- What are the Pros and Cons of Data Denormalization?
- What is the difference among 1NF, 2NF and 3NF?
- What are the different categories of NoSQL Databases?
- What are the ACID properties and where these are applied?
- What are the BASE properties and where these are applied?
- What are the differences between SQL and NoSQL data modeling?
- What is OLTP?
- What is OLAP?
- What are the differences between OLTP and OLAP?
- What are the Pros and Cons of OLTP?
- What are the Pros and Cons of OLAP?
- What is CAP theorem?
- What is Data Modeling and Why you should care?
- What are the advantages of Data Modeling?
- What is Conceptual Data Model?
- What is Logical Data Model?
- What is Physical Data Model?
- What is Entity-Relation (ER) Model?
- What is Star Schema?
- What are the differences between Star Schema and Snowflake Schema?
- Explain the Relational Data Modeling with an example
- Explain the Non-Relational Data Modeling with an example
- Explain the Kimball's Four Step Process to Dimensional Data Modeling
- What is Inmon Data Modeling Approach?
- What are the differences between Kimball and Inmon Data Modeling Approach?
- What is the difference between Fact and Dimension Tables?
- What are Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)?
- Explain Different Types of Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)
- What is Data Warehouse?
- Why is Data Warehouse needed?
- What are the differences between Databases and Data Warehouses?
- What are the differences between Operational and Analytical Systems?
- What is Data Mart?
- Explain how the Cargo Shipping Company Created its Data Model?