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Lab: AirBnB Postgres Datamodel


Build a Star Schema based Data Model in Postgres on the AirBnB dataset


Dataset consist of 6 different data files in CSV format, listed below:

  • calendar.csv
  • listings.csv
  • listings_details.csv
  • neighbourhoods.csv
  • reviews.csv
  • reviews_details.csv

Data Ingestion

Steps for uploading one csv into a table inside a database

  1. Create the Database if not created
  2. Connect to the Database
  3. Create the Table using the below sql command inside the database server
    CREATE TABLE tableName (var1 varType, var2, varType...);
  4. Insert the data into the Table row by row using the following SQL command
    INSERT INTO tableName (var1, var2 ...) values (val1, val2...);

Repeat the above steps for all the 6 files that I have. Below are the row and column counts of two major CSV file

  • listings_details.csv ==> 20,000 ROWS and 90 Column
  • reviews_details.csv ==> 413,000 ROWS and 8 Columns

Data Model

