Getting Started with Scala
Why Scala?
- Expressive
- First-class functions
- Closures
- Concise
- Type inference
- Literal syntax for function creation
- Java interoperability
- Can reuse java libraries
- Can reuse java tools
- No performance penalty
How Scala?
- Compiles to java bytecode
- Works with any standard JVM
- Or even some non-standard JVMs like Dalvik
- Scala compiler written by author of Java compiler
How to install
pip install spylon-kernel
python -m spylon_kernel install
To install scala in Anaconda, first create an empty venv (env-scala
in our case) and then install the scala from anaconda-cluster
conda create -n env-scala
conda install -c anaconda-cluster scala
conda install -c conda-forge spylon-kernel
├── [ 799]
├── [ 157] data
│ └── [ 61]
├── [ 21K] nbs
│ ├── [ 10K] 01.scala
│ ├── [4.3K] 02.scala
│ └── [6.7K] 03.scala
└── [ 39K] src
└── [ 39K] scala-spark
├── [2.0K] 01-Overview
│ ├── [ 246] 06-Strings\ Basics.scala
│ ├── [ 251] 08-Solution\ (Arithmatic\ Operations).scala
│ ├── [ 310] 10-Solution\ (Strings).scala
│ ├── [ 466] 11-Type\ Casting.scala
│ ├── [ 278] 12-Taking\ input\ from\ User.scala
│ └── [ 239] 14-Solution\ (User\ Input\ and\ Type\ Casting).scala
├── [ 11K] 02-Control\ Statements
│ ├── [ 373] 11-Solution\ (Logical\ operators).scala
│ ├── [ 346] 12-If\ else\ if.scala
│ ├── [ 514] 14-Solution(if\ else\ if).scala
│ ├── [ 157] 16-Overview\ of\ While\ Loop.scala
│ ├── [ 287] 17-While\ Loop.scala
│ ├── [ 418] 19-Solution\ 1\ (while\ loop).scala
│ ├── [ 309] 2-If\ else\ statements.scala
│ ├── [ 558] 20-Solution\ 2\ (while\ loop).scala
│ ├── [ 469] 21-Do\ While\ Loop.scala
│ ├── [ 322] 22-For\ Loop.scala
│ ├── [ 341] 24-Solution\ (For\ Loop).scala
│ ├── [ 584] 26-Solution(For\ Loop).scala
│ ├── [ 432] 27-Break.scala
│ ├── [ 481] 28-Break\ Fix.scala
│ ├── [ 408] 3-Conditions\ in\ If.scala
│ ├── [ 541] 30-Project\ Solution\ Code\ 1.scala
│ ├── [ 714] 31-Project\ Solution\ Code\ 2.scala
│ ├── [ 861] 32-Project\ Solution\ Code\ 3.scala
│ ├── [ 931] 33-Project\ Solution\ Code\ 4.scala
│ ├── [ 321] 5-Solution\ (if\ statement).scala
│ ├── [ 456] 6-Nested\ if\ else.scala
│ ├── [ 488] 8-Solution\ (nested\ if\ else).scala
│ └── [ 438] 9-Logical\ operators.scala
├── [ 12K] 03-Functions
│ ├── [ 253] 02-Writing\ addition\ function.scala
│ ├── [ 371] 04-Solution\ (Basic\ Function).scala
│ ├── [ 246] 06-Strings\ basics.scala
│ ├── [ 227] 08-Solution\ (String\ Concatination\ Function).scala
│ ├── [ 617] 10-Solution\ (Dividing\ Code\ in\ Functions).scala
│ ├── [ 232] 11-Default\ Arguments.scala
│ ├── [ 969] 13-Solution(Default\ Arguments).scala
│ ├── [ 194] 14-Anonymous\ Functions.scala
│ ├── [ 414] 16-Solution(Anonymous\ Functions).scala
│ ├── [ 332] 17-Scopes.scala
│ ├── [ 631] 19-\ Project\ Structure.scala
│ ├── [1.1K] 20-Prompting\ the\ menu.scala
│ ├── [1.8K] 21-Baisc\ Functions.scala
│ ├── [2.3K] 22-Breaking\ code\ in\ more\ functions.scala
│ └── [2.3K] 23-Final\ Run.scala
├── [2.4K] 04-Classes
│ ├── [ 334] 02-Creating\ Class.scala
│ ├── [ 252] 03-Class\ Constructor.scala
│ ├── [ 751] 04-Functions\ and\ Classes.scala
│ ├── [ 318] 06-Basic\ Strucuture.scala
│ └── [ 537] 07-FInal\ Run.scala
└── [ 11K] 05-Data\ Structures
├── [ 301] 02-Lists\ introduction.scala
├── [ 319] 03-Lists\ Create\ and\ Delete\ Elements.scala
├── [ 219] 04-Lists\ Take.scala
├── [ 297] 05-ListBuffer\ Introduction.scala
├── [ 273] 06-Add\ data\ in\ ListBuffer.scala
├── [ 284] 07-Remove\ data\ from\ ListBuffer.scala
├── [ 253] 08-Take\ data\ from\ ListBuffer.scala
├── [ 373] 10-Project\ Architecture\ Implementation.scala
├── [ 557] 11-User\ Input\ for\ Objects.scala
├── [ 789] 12-Implementing\ the\ control\ flow.scala
├── [1.0K] 13-Creating\ Required\ Functions\ inside\ Class.scala
├── [ 240] 15-Creating\ Maps.scala
├── [ 299] 16-Check\ Key\ in\ Map.scala
├── [ 246] 17-Update\ Value\ in\ Map.scala
├── [ 302] 18-Add\ and\ Remove\ items\ from\ Maps.scala
├── [ 262] 19-Iterating\ on\ Maps.scala
├── [ 409] 22-Project\ Structure\ Code.scala
├── [ 507] 23-Using\ Maps\ for\ word\ count.scala
├── [ 768] 24-Final\ Run.scala
├── [ 151] 25-Sets\ Overview.scala
├── [ 255] 26-Add\ and\ Remove\ Item\ from\ the\ Set.scala
├── [ 400] 29-Push\ and\ Pop\ in\ Stack.scala
├── [ 467] 30-Stack\ Attributes.scala
├── [ 535] 33-Project\ Architecture\ Code.scala
└── [ 912] 34-Extra\ Starting\ Bracket\ Use\ Case.scala
62K used in 9 directories, 79 files